44935 SECOND AVE Arch Cape, OR97102

1 bedrooms
1 bathrooms
575 sq. ft
3,000 to 4,999 SqFt
Elementary School: Nehalem
Middle School: Neah-Kah-Nie
High School: Neah-Kah-Nie
1141 days on market
Tour #1Tour #2


Price per ft²$1,173.91/ft²
Price per acre$6.14M/ac
Price per bedroom$675K/bed
Time on market1141 days

Property Description

Escape to Falcon Cove, one of the most stunning spots of the Oregon Coast. This remodeled mid-century modern A-frame is nestled in a community, committed to preserving the pristine beach and nature. Open style living with a wall of windows to bring in the natural light. One bedroom with additional sleeping loft, sauna, shed, and large sunny deck for entertaining. Just 50 yards from the beach and two miles to Oregon's most popular surfing and hiking destinations, Smugglers Cove aka Short Sands.

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Financial Data

Date Sold2021-12-17
Sold Price$675,000
Original Price$500,000
Current Price$675,000
Property Taxes$1,916

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Home Facts

Year Built1969
Green/Energy SupplementNo
Interior Features
Exterior Features
MLS ID21305514