79878 Hwy 101 Arch Cape, OR97102
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1056 sq. ft
1 to 2.99 Acres
Elementary School: Cannon Bch Acad
Middle School: Seaside
High School: Seaside
Zoning: CR
1296 days on market
Tour #1Tour #2VestorFilter™
Price per ft²$1,562.50/ft²
Price per acre$1.35M/ac
Price per bedroom$550K/bed
Time on market1296 days
Property Description
Your jaw drops. Time stands still. The ocean stretches out before you framed by rugged headlands. It is magnificent. You are looking at heaven on earth. This cabin is perched on a cliff overlooking the ocean and enjoys unrivaled privacy with a private beach. It has a view others can only dream about. After decades in the care of one family, this oceanfront gem is finally available for once in a lifetime. It can be yours if you hurry. Don't miss the videos!
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Financial Data
Date Sold2021-08-30
Sold Price$1,650,000
Original Price$1,495,000
Current Price$1,650,000
Property Taxes$7,185
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Home Facts
Year Built1961
Interior Features
Exterior Features
MLS ID21347969