100 S Main ST Colville, WA99114
4606 sq. ft
3,000 to 4,999 SqFt
Zoning: Comm
1693 days on market
Price per ft²$60.79/ft²
Recent price drop$45,000
Price per acre$2.55M/ac
Time on market1693 days
Property Description
High end custom remodel in this prime corner restaurant space with lots of parking and main thoroughfare store front. New kitchen appliances, windows, floors, electrical, plumbing, roof and heating. Mens & Womens restrooms, indoor water feature and stage. Features Office space with direct alley access, gated entry in addition to two public entrances. Plenty of space and storage, easy to customize to a variety of different businesses.
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Financial Data
Date Sold2020-07-31
Sold Price$280,000
Price ChangeDropped $45,000 on 08/12/2020
Total $45,000 drop
Total $45,000 drop
Original Price$325,000
Current Price$280,000
Property Taxes$2,386
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Home Facts
Year Built1940
MLS ID20422391