KOLLOCK-KNAPP RDUnderwood, WA98651
0.5 acres
Zoning: GR5U
2594 days on market
Recent price drop$29,000
Price per acre$160K/ac
Time on market2594 days

Property Description
Half acre Underwood lot with easy access to power and water. Gently sloped, easily accessed land bordered by trees for a natural feel. Very quiet location but close-in to Gorge Recreation and Town Amenities. Two sheds exist on the property. The lot is in the Columbia Gorge National Scenic area. County Web Map lot line measurement differs from County Tax Records.
{{ compliance-logo }}Listing Provided By Don Nunamaker Realtors
Financial Data
Date Sold2021-01-14
Sold Price$80,000
Price ChangeDropped $29,000 on 12/10/2024
Total $25,000 drop
Total $25,000 drop
Original Price$105,000
Current Price$80,000
Property Taxes$737
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Home Facts
MLS ID17531176